The Harrow Bush Nursing Centre is a non profit incorporated association that provides responsive and flexible non bed based quality primary and community health services. The Centre is funded via recurrent annual funding from the Department of Health and Human Services. This operational funding assists the Centre in providing and maintaining health care services, community programs, staffing resources and equipment.
The Organsiational Structure of the Centre allows for sub committees and also a Steering Committee for the Harrow Neighbourhood House to further provide the best possible provision of services to the Community. The Harrow & District Men’s Shed is also run as a program under the Harrow Neighbourhood house.
The Centre provides modern facilities including a treatment room, 2 consultation rooms, a meeting room with video conferencing facilities, a multipurpose room and a registered kitchen of catering standard. This is backed by a committed and caring team of both part time and casual staff led by a nurse Centre Manager and overseen by a voluntary Committee of Management. The Centre also coordinates a large volunteer base that assist in running many of the programs and services on offer.
In continuing to provide the best possible services to the community, the Centre also relies on membership contributions, grant funding and donations. The Centre has Deductible Gift Recipient status allowing us to receive tax deductible gifts or donations.
In 2004, 2008, 2011, 2014, 2018 Quality Improvement and Community Services Accreditation (QICSA) certified that the Harrow Bush Nursing Centre met the Council’s accreditation requirements using the Australian Health and Community Service Standards for Health and Community Services..
ABN: 92 892 565 164
Incorporation Number: A11299E