This page was updated on 8th March 2022.
Roof, walls and plasterwork completed. Next step painting. Looking very real now!
The walls and roof trusses are up!
Updated rendered images supplied by our architect below:
The slab is down!
Construction has begun on site. Media release here Media Release HBNC Capital Project commences 26022021
Photo above – earth moving machinery commences at site. Photo below: Centre Manager, Ann Vaughan and President Peter Johnson at construction site.
We are pleased to announce that Ultrabuild Constructions have been awarded as successful builder for this project. Please see Notice to Community on project construction commencement here dated 21st January 2021 Ultrabuild construction HBNC Notice to Community 21012021
As of the 7th October, we invited community members to view the 3 options of brick which are available to view in Centre and select their favorite option and via a FaceBook poll on our page – Harrow Bush Nursing Centre.
As of 13th November, the planning permit for this project was awarded by the West Wimmera Shire Council
To enable critical response to community health care needs, we are fortunate to be able to expand the Harrow Bush Nursing Centre. This much-needed infrastructural overhaul has long been part of our strategic direction. In 2016, we commenced master planning for the expansion and development of the facilities of which designs and costings are now complete and construction of the new building is set to commence in 2021. Jakob Kelly is our Architect and project manager and we thank him for his significant expertise and assistance of this capital project.
The proposed expansion entails a fit for purpose infrastructure upgrade that will address community need for the next generation. Health 2040 clearly states, “if we want better health outcomes for all Victorians, we need a health system that delivers the best value for patients, their carers and local communities”. The expansion will not only help us to deliver better health outcomes but also provide the following key benefits:
- Improved access for visiting health professionals including ambulance access
- Workable space for clients, patients and staff
- Improved privacy and staff amenity
- Rehabilitation facilities
- Separation of public and consultation space
- Improved disability access
This project is being managed by the Capital Project sub committee with overall governance of this project overseen by the Committee of Management. We are excited to finally see the commencement of the construction of this building in 2020. We acknowledge and thank the following stakeholders and funding bodies for enabling this project for the benefit of the community of Harrow:
- Department of Health and Human Services – Rural Health and Infrastructure Funds – Round 3 for Information Technology
- Department of Health and Human Services – Rural Health and Infrastructure Funds – Round 4 for Security and Lighting
- Collie Foundation Grant – significant grant of $300,000 for capital works.
- William Angliss Foundation – for medical equipment
- Generous bequest received from the late Mr Don Pyers for capital works.
- Community of Harrow – significant fundraising and donations
- Murray to Moyne fundraising – for capital works
The Committee of Management and staff of the Harrow Bush Nursing Centre wish to sincerely thank all stakeholders, funding bodies, philanthropic organisations and the community of Harrow for their significant support of this capital project.
Enjoy this 3D fly through video depicting what the extension build to the centre will look like (this is a general visualisation).
We continue to welcome all feedback. If you require further information about this project, please feel free to drop us an email at